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How’s it gaun

Welcome to Tictalk

Come on in and join in ,, its fun here

reading your username made me think of this guy


Welcome aboard, grab yourself an avatar and get posting.

Know a few people who used to stay in Arden. Wife is originally from there as well.
Good wee forum this, you will enjoy it here. :ronny3:
Welcome in.
I was born in my Grannies hoose in Kylerhea Rd. :ronny3:
Welcome to the bestest Celtic forum.

I have passed Arden a fair few times and also been to America.

Are we related :gimp:
Welcome aboard, I have heard of Arden, brought up in the Garden of Ghod, the good old garngad, now living in one of the best multicultural cities in the world Toronto, Celtics home away from home. There must be 10 supporters clubs within an hours drive of Toronto. HH.

We must be related too, but maybe divorced after you elected Trump.
Do you know Jim Morrison? He knew Far Arden pretty well or are you from close Arden?