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Guide for using VLC player

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Active member
Sep 30, 2016
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See the streams using the VLC player how do you go about watching

never used VLC player before , i have it on my lappy though

is it me or are there other members who dont no how to use this

is there a guide for noobs ?

any help or pointing me in the right direction would be good , had a few the night lol
Most of our streams work in edge browser or chrome

Recently we added support for mobile devices
.if your struggling with our streams I suggest you use edge or safari browsers or we can give you access for android or kodi
cheers for the speedy reply m8 , i use firefox on the lappy and dont even no waht the edge browser is :laff"iam a dinosaur tbh

dont get me wrong i can get around the net and get any celtic game but was just wandering how to use the VLC player on here for the games
Edge is the built in browser that comes with Win10 - if you have that then you have it. (I only use it for here)
i downloaded chrome , what would i be doing now ?