• Hi Guest Welcome back to Tictalk , we have now moved to xenforo 2.2 .. with a whole load of new features .. thanks for all your support and kind donations making this possible... You can stay upto date with all thinngs new here

Hail Hail!

Welcome to Tictalk

Come on in and join in ,, its fun here


Active member
Dec 14, 2019
Reaction score
Alright bhoys, back home to Scotland so my CelticTV subscription cancelled (patter there is pish anyway). Mate checked if I culd join and good to go. Cheers. Got a ticket for the Hibs game but will be watching most games here - skint b@st@rd that I am. Bring on the the Hearts, the Copenhagen and the zombies. Mon the Celts! 💪💚🍀
Welcome in, if you want pishe patter wait till @saoirse is pished on a Friday night and goes off on one. beerchug
My pish patters too, and sometimes splashes back which can be embarrassing when wearing biege troosers...

If it's pish ye want then we're full of it just like a lazy bladder!
My pish patters too, and sometimes splashes back which can be embarrassing when wearing biege troosers...

If it's pish ye want then we're full of it just like a lazy bladder!
Oh the pitter patter of tiny willies.
Welcome CV, it’s awright oan here. The pish patter is the best part, sadly!